
3D Computer Vision (三維電腦視覺)

Graduate course, College of AI, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan
Fall 2021, Fall 2022

In this course I taught fundamental concepts about 3D reconstruction such as non-linear projection models (e.g., panoramas and equirectangular projections), epipolar geometry, stereo reconstruction and image depths, LiDAR basics, point cloud registrations and triangulations, meshes and parameterization, and deep learning/neural network applications in 3D reconstruction.

Introduction to Computer Graphics (計算機圖形學總論)

Graduate course, College of AI, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan
Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023

In this course I taught computer graphics with an emphasis on real-time rendering, including the 3D-to-2D rasterization pipeline, Model-View-Projection projections, shader programming basics (e.g., Blinn-Phong shading), textures and environmental mapping, splines, subdivision surfaces, keyframe-based animations, photorealstic rendering (ray tracing) basics, and modern deep learning/neural network applications in CG such as NeRFs.

Integer Programming for Visual Computing

Short course, Siggraph Asia 2018 and 2020
Course (ACM DL) | Slides (author's version)

I was the co-host and lecturer in two courses at Siggraph Asia 2018 Tokyo and Siggraph Asia 2020 Virtual, titled “Integer Programming for Visual Computing”, with Prof. Peter Wonka.